Growing in the Grace of God
In 2012 Tom & Kelli Sanders first established Grow in God Ministries, a web based ministry, with the intent to restore broken lives through a living relationship with Jesus. In 2015 a mandate was given to Go into all the world, Grow disciples, and Give into every good work.
Through God’s faithfulness doors have been opened to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in the U.S. and abroad, to publish the teaching of the Word through multiple platforms, and to use any and all God-given prosperity to extend the reach of God’s kingdom.
Tom and Kelli have three wonderful children – Seth, William, and Grace – and they welcomed their first grandson, Emrys, into the world in February 2019!
We are convinced that family is God’s plan and it is God’s grace, a strong spirit grounded in the Word, and a poured out life ready to obey God at all costs that brings victory to each family in life’s most ravaging storms. That is why we are so passionate about helping moms, dads, teens, children and all people grow in God, and become spiritually strong. Thank you for being a part of our family as we grow up in all things in Christ.