Be Strong

Be Strong

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

This is one of my favorite pictures from my time in the Philippines. We held 3 days of meetings on the island of Camiguin off the northern coast of Mindanao. We flooded the area inviting people to come and hear the word of God, and to bring the sick because God is still the Healer today! We would preach salvation, pray with the people to receive Jesus, and then teach about healing and invite them to receive healing for their bodies. This woman came forward for prayer with her dear husband, had hands laid on her, and then came to testify of her healing.

Our pastors encouraged her, as an act of faith, to rise up out of her wheelchair, and to do something that she couldn’t do before (like standing on her legs). Her precious husband looked so terribly concerned for her. I’d even say there was some fear there that she would fall, but she chose to be strong and rise up out of that chair. As she took that step of faith and put weight on her legs, God answered that faith and strengthened her legs enough to bear her weight. Someone on our team happened to capture the heart of that moment in this picture! Glory to God!

Over 30 times we are COMMANDED to be strong in the King James Version of the Bible! We are told to be strong, be courageous, to not be afraid, to “act like men” and fight! We are told to be strong and do the work of the Lord because He will not fail us or forsake us! We are told to be strong for the battle because God has the power to help us and save us! We are told to be strong in the Lord, and to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus! Are we getting the message??? BE STRONG!

It took strength for this woman to receive what God was ready to give her. If she had chosen to give way to fear, she may have remained bound by her infirmity forever!

God is calling each and every one of us to complete an assignment for Him. Most likely, to carry out that assignment, we will be required to be strong, to have faith, to resist the devil, to “act like men” and fight (or in my case, “fight like a girl,” and I mean that in a very GOOD way!) Why am I so passionate about this? Because I have been on both sides of the fence. There have been times when I courageously obeyed God, and times that I have given way to fear.

Recently I was giving way to fear as God has been really stretching my faith, but when I got quiet with Him I did not get a “pep talk.” I got corrected – firmly corrected. God commands us to be strong – if we choose to be cowards we are disobeying that command! He expects us to get in the word, to pray, to exercise our authority in Jesus’ name. The devil does not exit our affairs because we politely ask him to leave. We must THROW HIM OUT with great conviction – trusting that God is at our back authorizing us to do just that!

I’m telling you, when you tell fear to take a hike, and tell God you are choosing to STAND on His word until you see His promises come to pass in your life, it won’t be long until you see your faith become sight!

Since YOU are reading this, let me ask you, what are YOU afraid of? What is the greatest fear you have in your life right now? Think about it. Now, BE STRONG, take authority over that fear right now! Choose to trust God, to resist the devil, to fight the good fight of faith. Don’t lay down and cry. Rise up and rejoice! God is looking for faith in the earth because He is so eager to show Himself strong in the lives of His people.

I pray that this word today meets you right where you need it and changes your situation. Be strong my friends. Be courageous. God is with us. He is for us. Don’t be afraid. Get some backbone and fight! Ha! With God, you will win every time!

Get Wisdom!

Get Wisdom!

Have you ever prayed for wisdom? There are many areas of life that require wisdom. You need wisdom in raising your children, making business decisions, knowing what direction to take in life, or who to marry. You need wisdom for many every day decisions, as well as life’s major, destiny altering decisions. The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom, and one of it’s major pieces of advice is GET WISDOM! Obviously God thinks it is important for us to have the kind of wisdom that He desires to give us.

There are two different kinds of wisdom that the Bible talks ab0ut in James 3:13-18. There is earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. This passage is a great litmus test to see what type of wisdom you are operating in with some of the choices you are making or have yet to make. You can ask yourself a few questions from this passage. Let’s look at how The Message Bible renders it here:

13-16 Do you want to be counted wise, to build a reputation for wisdom? Here’s what you do: Live well, live wisely, live humbly. It’s the way you live, not the way you talk, that counts. Mean-spirited ambition isn’t wisdom. Boasting that you are wise isn’t wisdom. Twisting the truth to make yourselves sound wise isn’t wisdom. It’s the furthest thing from wisdom—it’s animal cunning, devilish conniving. Whenever you’re trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others’ throats.

17-18 Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.

The word of God is so simple and clear cut isn’t it? We usually only find ourselves confused when we are trying to twist God’s word to justify self-serving or self-preserving choices, but if you read this passage at face value, it will shed light on your situation.


The longer you walk with God and learn His character, you will find that His kingdom is all about the heart. It’s not about pretense. It’s not about looks. It’s not about appearing spiritual or checking a box when you do the right thing. Having the right heart in your decision making is of the utmost importance. So let’s say you need wisdom in making a decision. Maybe you are facing a decision right now and you don’t know what to do. Put your heart to the test. If you look inside, one choice may be the fruit of a self-serving or self-preserving motive, while the other is the fruit of a selfless, merciful and loving motive that desires to bless and honor.

I know. It’s difficult to be honest with yourself sometimes. It’s difficult to do and say the right thing sometimes. It’s much easier to twist the truth a bit to make yourself appear wise than it is to actually just BE wise, but remember what Solomon advises in Proverbs: GET WISDOM. Don’t get earthly wisdom, get godly wisdom, real wisdom, the kind that is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings.

God knows where you are at. He knows what you are facing. He knows walking in His wisdom doesn’t always make sense, and it may require faith and trust. He’s also pretty smart. Smarter than we are! He is giving you wisdom through His people and through His word. When you look in your heart you’ll know the right thing to do. The only thing left after that is to act on that wisdom and leave the rest to God.

For more faith in having wisdom and understanding of God’s word check out our Confessions of Faith Series: Wisdom & Revelation

God Wants You to Prosper

God Wants You to Prosper

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” ~ Romans 10:17

How do we know the will of God? We know the will of God by hearing the word of God. We cannot have faith for something without first hearing what God has to say on the matter. So what does God have to say about His people prospering? Let me tell you, He has so much to say about it that to attempt to write it all in a short blog would be like trying to fit the ocean in a teacup! That being said, let’s put up a few disclaimers as we move forward…

1. CAUTION: Traditions of men make the word of God of none effect. (Mt15:6) So let’s not reject what God said in order to keep our own tradition. (Mk7:9)

2. The Word of God is the Final Authority: Regardless of what you have been taught in the past, always ask yourself, “Where is the scripture for that?” Let every word be established by 2-3 witnesses. (Mt18:16) In other words, interpret all scripture in light of other scripture – there should be several Bible verses for whatever it is you believe!

3. Be Balanced: God does want His people prosperous, but He does not want them covetous and greedy for gain.

4. There are Conditions: Most if not all of God’s promises concerning prosperity are conditional. You’ll see in the following that His blessing is for the one who is willing and obedient; the one who hears His voice; the faithful, upright man that puts His kingdom first and seeks His right way of doing things. In other words, you can’t rebel, and go your own way, and do your own thing and then ask God to bless it!

5. Don’t be a Fool: Faith for prosperity comes from hearing His word AND doing it. You can’t lay on the couch and make confessions all day, waiting for your “ship to come in” if God told you to go get a job. You won’t prosper that way. Let’s be spiritual people, not flaky!

Having put forth the above disclaimers, I want to write here a confession of faith for you to declare over yourself this coming year. That means you say it, think about it, look up the scriptures, meditate on them, and REPEAT until the incorruptible seed of God’s word gets planted in your heart, digs deep roots, and grows into a strong conviction where knowing God’s will is concerned. You can’t get by on another man’s revelation. This word has to become real TO YOU, and once it does you will do the happy dance because God is a net-breaking, boat-sinking, cup running over, blessings that overtake you, too much God!

My friends, let’s grow in God! Let’s learn what He says and be strong in our convictions! Let’s speak what He says over our homes, businesses, finances, and future! 

Dare to Obey God

Dare to Obey God

You are called to be a vital part of something bigger than yourself! You can walk in your destiny & live out the dream God has placed in your heart when you dare to obey Him!

I was sitting on my couch drinking my coffee, and having my normal devotional time this morning when God reminded me of a message I shared at my Bible college in Southern California. In November of 2008 I was on furlough from the mission field, and I was invited to speak to students at the school of ministry where I was trained – what an honor! I distinctly remember this season of my life because there were many trials and tests of faith within the ministry, as well as external, political events that made life at that time quite exciting to say the least!

As I prepared to talk to the students I felt God wanted me to emphasize the importance of obedience, and to especially focus on the great BLESSING that is waiting on the other side of a choice to obey Him! He wants me to do the same today!

First, let’s examine the heart of what He is saying to you today. A great blessing is waiting for YOU! Where is it? On the other side of a decision YOU must make! What’s this decision all about? It is a choice to courageously obey His directives, OR to shrink back in fear and fail to walk in the plan He has for you.

My heart is exploding right now thinking of how BIG, how GREAT, how AWESOME the life is that our God created us to live! He has given each of us gifts, talents, and abilities that are the launching pad for our destiny in Christ! We were created on purpose, for a purpose! Never will you be as deeply, and fully satisfied with life as you are when you are living and walking in the path that God created you to live and walk in! It is a life lived for others, and it is a BLESSED life!

Count the cost…but don’t forget to count the payoff!

One of the primary deceptions of our generation is that rebellion is freedom, and obedience is bondage; that obedience is the “mark of a slave,” as it mentions above, yet the opposite is true! Is there a cost when we obey God? Emphatically, yes, but it also pays to obey!

Here is a case-in-point. When God directed me to move overseas I was at a high point in my career as a public school teacher. I had just purchased my second home, was doing very well financially, had all of my family around me, and I was actively involved in an amazing church! I had reached a very good place in life! When I considered what it would cost to obey God, doubt and fear would tag-team me and attempt to move me away from God’s perfect will for my life.

A few nights before I would board a plane for the Philippines I remember waking up in a panic! I was on a train running full steam ahead and I could not stop what I’d set into motion! I was leaving my family, my career, my church, my friends, my home country – it was as though everything I cherished was being stripped away from me! It felt like a high price to pay at the time!

Fast forward several years and I am speaking to students who are studying to live a life of ministry to God’s people, and daring them to fully obey His call! And you know what? I didn’t once mention any temporary sacrifice, or how hard it was, or how serving God turned out to be a bad deal – NO! Despite the testing and proving of my faith, all I could speak of, all I wanted to convey to them was the great BLESSINGS I had experienced when I chose to obey.

So what about you???

Is God stirring up vision in your heart? Is He gently speaking as you get quiet and listen? What is He telling you to do? Whatever it is, I dare you to obey Him! I may not know all or have all of the answers, but this I do know: God is faithful, and He will not lead you astray. Trust Him and BELIEVE in what He has placed inside of you. You are greater in Him, stronger in Him, smarter in Him than you ever thought or imagined. Walk in His plans for you and you will never regret it!

Faith Like a Child

Faith Like a Child

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” ~ Luke 18:17

This is my first post in 6 weeks, and I’ll tell you why: I gave birth to that beautiful baby you see above! Staring into such a peaceful face will occupy a lot of your time, but even more, it will cause you to think, ponder, consider – meditate on, and be in awe of God. One of the things that the Holy Spirit has brought to me these past weeks is how much my Heavenly Father loves me – even more than I love my children! He’s also shown me that I can trust in that love. I can trust God’s character and His heart toward me.

If you’re like me – or any human being for that matter – there are times that you allow the cares of this world to weigh you down. There are times that you allow thoughts of doubt and fear to rob you of God’s blessings, and there are times that you are so focused on your tomorrows that you can’t enjoy your today. Sound familiar?

As a child of God you might think to yourself, “Of course I trust God’s heart toward me and His love for me!” Yet, when it comes to LIVING in that truth, many of us demonstrate through our actions that we trust in ourselves more. Tell me this, has God ever asked you to do something that didn’t seem to make sense? Has He ever asked you to take a step of faith, not knowing all of the details or how it would all work out? Did you jump out of the proverbial boat and walk on the water, fully persuaded that God would do what He said? In our finer moments we immediately obey God’s directives; however, most, if they are honest, will hesitate, drag their feet, or not take that leap of faith at all because of fear and doubt.

As human beings we reason and are rational. We want to see how A+B=C, yet many times God will only give you enough light to take that first step and He won’t show you more until you’ve ACTED on what He has already said! I believe that those who are reading this are doing so by divine appointment! God is waiting on you. You are not waiting on Him. As soon as you get settled in your heart that God wouldn’t lead you into poverty, lack, confusion or loss, you can take His hand like a little child and walk in His path, knowing that it leads to abundance, blessing, peace and life!

A few weeks ago I wanted to do something fun with my son before the baby was born. William is almost two, and he loves to run, climb and play! I thought I would take him to the park so we could have some fun. When I picked him up to put him in the car seat he started to resist, cry, arch his back (moms, you know what I’m talking about). I said to him, “If you just trust me I am trying to get you to a place that is going to bless you!” Well, if that word wasn’t Holy Spirit inspired I don’t know what is! Isn’t this what God is saying to us!? We resist, and cry and dig in our heels that we don’t want to do it, BUT GOD is calmly saying, “Just trust Me. It’s gonna be good!”

Trust is letting go. It is believing in and relying on something or someone. Trusting God and having faith like a child is very liberating! When you cast your cares on Him and simply hold His hand as He leads you, knowing it is going to be good, you can get happy! Dare I say, you might even get EXCITED for what is to come!

I am excited for you! Do you know why? You are reading this because God loves you so much that He wants you to get the answers to your questions about the next step! TRUST HIM! Trust His character, His integrity, His word, His faithfulness. I assure you, as soon as you trust and obey, He’ll take you the rest of the way!

Priorities – What is Most Important to You?

Priorities – What is Most Important to You?

Have you ever considered whether you are making your mark on the world while you still have breath?  It is time to take a look at your life and decide what matters most!

Dear friend, entrepreneur, stay at home mom, working woman or any woman desiring to effect her world and leave a legacy for future generations to follow:

What if I told you that your life really does matter, that you were created with purpose and destiny, and that you are more powerful and influential than you know? What if you started moving in the plan of God for your life, STARTING NOW, and began to effect change in the lives of your children, your family and your world?

One thing that constantly amazed me when I lived as a missionary in the Philippines was God’s divine ability showing up to impact the lives of people just because I showed up and was willing to let Him use me! Some people think that they are not smart enough, bold enough, young enough, old enough – whatever area it might be – people generally feel they “aren’t enough” to live a life of significance that influences others for good!

Here’s the thing, my friends, time is short. Life is short. Last week my dear friend’s husband died of cancer in his early 40’s, my uncle died of cancer a few days ago, still others I know have been diagnosed with terminal illness – all of them fairly young. My point is not to glorify sickness or provoke fear, but to ask YOU to consider the brevity of life, and to take stock of what YOU are doing to ensure you are making your days count!

What do you see first in the picture below?

If you are like most people you would answer, “A white dot.” The human brain tends to like focal points. The mind is fixed and it stays there. It takes some retraining of the mind to “see” all of that black space surrounding the white dot!

This is a good illustration of our daily lives. Our minds naturally gravitate toward the things in “our world.” We get so consumed in our daily routines, the cares of this life, and seeking security in the form of food, shelter and clothing, that we sometimes forget the bigger picture of, “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose?” We are like that little white dot, surrounded by a much bigger picture, yet we can’t seem to lift our heads for a moment to see more, dream bigger, believe for greatness – because we are “too busy.”

Does this sound familiar to you? It should. I can’t count the number of times people, including myself, have allowed themselves to be swallowed up by life only to find that years have passed and they are still not doing what they were called and created to do! Jesus spoke of this in the Parable of the Sower when he demonstrated how the cares of this life could make the word of God fruitless in our lives. He also gave us a plan of action to avoid this pitfall – don’t seek after your food, shelter, clothing, etc. – seek God’s kingdom first and HE WILL take care of you!

Am I saying don’t work? Absolutely not! I am saying to change your focus! I am saying it is time to assess your priorities and identify what matters most! Your place of employment is not what matters most. Your paycheck is not what matters most. Your level of comfort is not what matters most. Here is what matters most: Are you using your God-given gifts, talents and abilities to lead those in your sphere of influence to a personal, living relationship with Jesus Christ?

You can do this as a mother, a teacher, a sales person, a business woman, a wife, a waitress, a pastor, a politician – where has God called you!? It is time to find out and to get yourself into position! What is holding you back? I can tell you:


It’s pretty black and white. You either trust God or you don’t. You choose faith or fear. You live for Him or live for yourself. You seek His kingdom or you seek yours. What is most important to you? Please, ask yourself in earnest. Look at your priorities and make any necessary adjustments because, as one who has left all to follow Him, I can tell you that there is no life more thrilling, more satisfying, more challenging or rewarding than the life lived for God! It’s time to erase fear and doubt, lift up your eyes and to SEE the potential of your life lived from a place of faith and trust! Let’s not live small, safe lives of comfort, but big, courageous lives worthy of our salvation!

As a daughter of God, a wife, a mother to my children, a friend and human being, my greatest desire is to please the heart of my Father God. I love Him and worship Him, and I want Him to love people through me. What about you? What is your greatest desire? When you look back on your life, what will have mattered most? Where are your priorities now, and where should they be? Do something brave today and surrender ALL to God. Ask Him for His plan, expect an answer, and then seek it with your whole heart!

 I pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to you through this word, and that you are inspired to ACT on it!

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